IB1u—Introduction to Customs Brokerage (U.S.)

Subscriber price: $185.00, Non-subscriber price: $255.00
Estimated total study time: 13 hours 59 minutes [Enroll now]

This course provides an overview of the services provided by customs brokers in the U.S. It is intended for:

See also course IF1u—Introduction to International Forwarding (U.S.).

For entry-level forwarder personnel hired or transferred into operational positions, more in-depth training is needed. Refer to other operationally oriented courses in the GISTnet Course Catalog.

Introduction to the CBP; Overview of the U.S. Import Process

This lesson looks back to the beginning of U.S. customs brokerage with a look at the history, current mission and organization of the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection. We also introduce the U.S. import process with an overview of key players and additional parties that are sometimes involved.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 22 minutes)

Introduction to Importers and Customs Brokers

In this lesson we consider why foreign goods are imported, and by whom, and begin our examination of services provided by a customs broker.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 15 minutes)

U.S. Imports Subject to Processing by U.S. Agencies in Addition to CBP

This lesson addresses U.S. import restrictions and other U.S. Government agency processing requirements that affect some types of goods at the time of customs entry.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 37 minutes)

The Relationship Between Importers and Customs Brokers

This lesson begins our coverage of services which customs brokers provide by addressing the relationship between the broker and his customer, the importer, with respect to "customs business" vs. other types of services.

(Estimated study time: 35 minutes)

A Customs Broker's Relationships with Transportation Carriers & Other Service Providers

This lesson addresses the operational relationships a broker must pursue with carriers and other service providers on behalf of its client importers.

(Estimated study time: 59 minutes)

Broker "Customs Business" Type Services and Fees (Typical)

This lesson introduces the range of "customs business" type services a broker provides as reflected in fees and charges made to the importer.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 8 minutes)

The Customs Broker's Involvement in the Cargo Transportation Process

In this lesson we address transportation-related responsibilities and services a broker must provide to assure timely customs clearance and delivery/on-carriage of the goods once cleared.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 1 minute)

Customs Brokerage—Part of Supply Chain Logistics

This lesson addresses the function of a customs broker in the larger context of supply chain management, together with what a customs broker can do to strengthen this role by providing additional logistical services.

(Estimated study time: 47 minutes)

Advancing Funds on Behalf of the Importer; Credit Controls

A customs broker often becomes involved in advancing funds to pay incoming freight charges, and perhaps customs duty and delivery charges. This lesson addresses why this is done, and controls a broker should exercise to avoid potentially serious financial loss.

(Estimated study time: 56 minutes)

Services Beyond Traditional Customs Brokerage

Today most companies that provide customs brokerage also are engaged in freight forwarding and other types of logistics services. This lesson addresses the relationships within an organization between these different types of business activities.

(Estimated study time: 46 minutes)

The Customs Broker-Importer Relationship; Client Satisfaction & Communication

This lesson covers the operational relationship that a customs broker must develop and maintain with his client, the importer.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 6 minutes)

Customs Broker Work Group Organization

This lesson covers ways that customs brokers organize and supervise their work groups, and the importance of each work group member understanding such organization, division of labor, work flow and their own responsibilities.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 1 minute)

U.S. Customs Broker Responsibilities

This lesson addresses regulatory requirements which the CBP places on licensed customs brokers with respect to "responsible supervision" of operations and employees by individually licensed brokers.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 27 minutes)